BUMPED goes on sale three weeks from today (April 26th! Need I parenthetically remind you that you can always pre-order it now?) but for several weeks running it was the number one most requested title on NetGalley. I’m thrilled by the enthusiastic responses from book bloggers who are under no obligation whatsoever to say such amazing things about it:
“I loved the word choice, the scene construction, the cast of characters, the themes…everything just came together into a damn near perfect reading experience.” (5 out of 5 Zombie Chickens) Presenting Lenore
“Bumped is a richly developed book with layer upon layer of meaning, peppered with humour about a ridiculous world that McCafferty herself is not afraid to mock. A book that deals with the issue of teen pregnancy in a way that I don’t think I could ever forget. If I had to choose one author to read for the rest of my life, right now, right this second, I would pick her. And probably if you asked me again next week, my answer would be the same.” The Crooked Shelf
“This is not a shy, demurring book. It is, instead, a critique of the reproductive underpinnings of both modern religion’s focus on purity and secular society’s focus on sexuality. Through its intertwining narratives, McCafferty weaves a subtle message about the similarities of these two drastically different cultures, and illuminates their biggest commonality: the way they devalue women beyond their reproductive capacity.” Phoebe North
“Bumped is not a ‘simple’ book. The issues it raises are weighty ones: circumscribed existence with limited choices, parental and societal pressures, ignorance, and the effects that all of these produce. It’s fascinating, provocative and controversial – an important book with something to say being put out at the right time.” Bibilophile Brouhaha
“The author did a great job at world building and was able to create a dystopian world that was outrageous yet believable. The book was not a social commentary on the evils of part of society but a novel about evaluating what you have always been taught and making your own decisions.” Books Your Kids Will Love
“Being a huge fan of Jessica Darling and Marcus Flutie, two of my favorite characters ever and books I can reread over and over, I was so excited to find that Megan McCafferty was writing a new series…This is one I think I could reread several times and come up with new ideas and thoughts about it. I’m looking forward to the next book already and this one hasn’t even been officially released!” Not Another Book Blog
“The concept behind this story is great, literally a never-been-done-before kind of topic and I applaud McCafferty for going out on this limb and writing it. I feel it’s a fairly mature topic and that maybe the world (or let’s face it, the US) may not be ready for this type of thing. I just hope the world gives it a chance before judging, much like I almost did.” Me, My Shelf And I
Book bloggers are book lovers. It’s important for all of you (even if BUMPED isn’t your thing) to keep doing what you do. Thanks for keeping literature alive!