All posts by megan

New Year, New Projects!

This is a photo of my desk as it looks right at this moment. I haven’t said much about what I’ve been working on lately because everything I’ve been working on is very new to me. Too new to share to the world. Yet. I’ve been working a lot lately. But the writing has been so much fun that it hasn’t felt like work. This is my absolute favorite phase of the creative process.  The “what if?” part. When I’m mulling over ideas and researching those ideas and wondering if I can turn those ideas into something creative that someone–you–would be interested in knowing more about. I hope that sometime in 2012 I can tell you more. Continue reading New Year, New Projects!

School Library Journal Review of BUMPED: “Hilarious.”

I was having so much fun celebrating the 10th Anniversary of SLOPPY FIRSTS that I totally forgot to share this fantastic review of my most recent novel:

“BUMPED is a hilarious book, building on some of today’s obsessions: MTV’s 16& Pregnant, celebrity bump watches, and aggressive marketing to teens…Melody’s world is one where both teen boys and girls, are encouraged and rewarded to get pregnant. Not to be parents; drugs and societal pressure help prevent the teens from bonding with the ‘delivery.’ I love this world-building; some of it is deliciously ‘oh come on’ over the top and other parts are ‘oh…I can see that happening.’ ” –School Library Journal

[full review here]

The second in this two-book series, THUMPED, goes on sale April 24th, 2012. Thanks to all of you who have already added it to your To Read list!

And The Dream Cast for the SLOPPY FIRSTS Movie Is…

Hundreds contributed casting ideas for the SLOPPY FIRSTS movie. Hundreds more LIKED those options. Some of the most popular suggestions for actresses to play Jessica Darling are:

Ashley Rickards, Ellen Page, Emma Stone, Rooney Mara, Anna Kendrick, Aubrey Plaza, Halle Steinfeld 

Some of the most popular choices for Marcus Flutie are:

Tyler Blackburn, Samuel Larsen (The Glee Project), Nicholas Hoult, Jackson Rathbone, Anton Yelchin, Dave Franco

However popular these choices were, none earned more LIKES than this suggestion by Karen G.:

“There aren’t any really famous actors/actresses that I can suggest for the roles. I think you need a new actor for Marcus and a new actress for Jessica. Anyone in the industry right now couldn’t do the roles justice because of their already existent fame.”

She wasn’t the only person to suggest unknowns for the roles. Many other commenters shared similar sentiments. However, her comment was the one with the most LIKES and is therefore delcared the winner. Karen G. and the 164 facebookers who LIKED her comment all win the secret password that gives them three days to watch the video vision for the SLOPPY FIRSTS movie. If you are one of the winning commenters you MUST email right away because the password will expire after September 10th. There will be more opportunities to win in the future. Follow me on Twitter or LIKE my FB page for updates. Thanks to everyone who so enthusiastically shared your opinions!

DEAR BULLY: Who Gives the Popular People Power? Who?

 I just finished reading all 21 pages of my school district’s anti Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying policy. Whoa.

DEAR BULLY: 70 Authors Tell Their Stories could not have come at a better time.

I’m so proud to be one of the authors chosen to participate in this important project. My essay, “Who Gives the Popular People Power? Who???” includes older-and-wiser commentary on tormented passages taken directly from my elementary school diary:

My class at school sucks!

I seriously think there is not one person who knows how to be a true-blue, ’til-the-end friend.

Heather said she’s going to kick my ass in.

I hate sixth grade! Life must get better!

When I read my essay to my 8-year-old he said, “Mom, I feel so sad for your sixth grade self.” I was happy to reassure him that my piece is indeed in the category titled, IT GETS BETTER. Because it does. Really. But it certainly sucks when you’re suffering through it. If there’s one take-away message from this book, it’s this: YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

DEAR BULLY is on sale now. Some essays are encouraging. Others are cringe-worthy. All are honest. I highly recommend this anthology to parents, educators, or anyone who cares for and about kids.


Last Day to Win a Glimpse of the SLOPPY FIRSTS movie

 If you’re reading this on Tuesday morning, it’s already too late. You have until 11:59PM EST Monday, September 5th to LIKE the MOST LIKED casting suggestion in the comments section of this FB post.  Everyone who LIKES the MOST LIKED option will get the SECRET PASSWORD to the video made by would-be director Anna Christopher  sharing her vision for SLOPPY FIRSTS on screen. I’ve seen it. It’s awesome. And with enthusiastic responses from readers like Sarah M. from Paterson, NJ, it could one day come to a theater near you:

“Jessica made it cool to be from New Jersey and she made it cool to be a smart, independent, strong woman. I hope you can feel (even just a small bit) the amazing positive impact you’ve had on me and so many girls, women, boys, men…everyone that’s ever picked up and read a chapter of your books.”

I do feel it, Sarah. I really do. Thank you and everyone.